As an experienced aircon servicing company, we’ve seen it all. Dust, dirt and other pollutants can build up in your air conditioning unit and be circulated throughout your home, causing allergies to flare up.

But is it worth cleaning your aircon more during high allergy seasons?

What Are High Allergy Seasons?

Allergy seasons differ from region to region, but in Australia, they typically occur in spring and autumn. During these seasons, there are higher levels of pollen, dust and other allergens in the air, making it harder for allergy sufferers to breathe.

In some areas of Australia, such as Victoria, the allergy season can last from late August to May, so it’s essential to keep your aircon clean during this time.

What Are The Allergy-causing Particles In The Air?

Allergy-causing particles in the air can differ depending on where you live. In Australia, pollen is a common allergen, especially during the spring and summer months. Dust mites, pet dander and mould can also trigger allergies. Keeping your aircon clean can help remove these allergens from your home and improve your family’s quality of life.

Which Areas In Australia Are More Prone To Allergies?

Living in urban areas increases the risk of developing allergies due to high levels of pollution and exposure to allergens. In Tasmania, the prevalence of asthma is significantly higher than the national average, with approximately one in ten adults experiencing asthma-related symptoms. The ACT also has a high prevalence of asthma, with over 11% of the population affected by the condition. In Victoria, hay fever is the most common allergy, affecting approximately one in five people.

South Australia and Tasmania also have a high prevalence of hay fever, with over 16% of the population experiencing symptoms. These areas are particularly susceptible to seasonal allergies, with high pollen counts during the spring and summer months.

Keeping your aircon clean during high allergy seasons can help alleviate symptoms and improve indoor air quality. Regular aircon cleaning can remove pollutants and allergens from your home, reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues. Fresh Aircon Services offers a range of aircon cleaning services to suit your needs, including filter cleaning, coil cleaning and disinfection.

How Much Does It Cost to Clean Your Aircon?

The cost of cleaning your aircon can vary depending on the size of the unit and the amount of cleaning required. At Fresh Aircon Services, we offer competitive pricing and a range of aircon cleaning services to suit your needs and budget.

Don’t let allergies impact your quality of life. Contact our team of professionals to learn how much it costs to clean your air conditioner and breathe easy this allergy season.