Once you start noticing the tell-tale signs that your air conditioner is in dire need of a service, you should not wait for the risks that accompany an air conditioner in a poorly state. You may notice that your air conditioner is no longer giving out cold air, it may be leaking, making strange noises or producing a strange smell, among other issues. These are huge red flags indicating that you need to call a professional to attend to the problems. Not only can these issues cause discomfort in your home or annoyance for the user, they may also harm your health.
Here are the top three reasons not to procrastinate calling a professional for air conditioner servicing in Newcastle.
Excessive Expenses
If you delay a maintenance check when you suspect something is wrong, or if you do not feel it is worth fixing it right away, you will be paying the consequences in due time. Waiting too long to fix a minor issue may damage the air conditioning unit further and cause major implications for your finances.
Air conditioners are expensive and if the issue is exasperated, you will need to purchase an entirely new air conditioning system. This is an expensive option for an otherwise avoidable outcome.
Health Risks
If there is a build-up of microorganisms within the unit, they can become airborne and affect at-risk people, such as children, the elderly, or anyone with weak immune systems. Individuals could experience symptoms such as skin irritation, breathing issues, headaches, nasal congestion and even fatigue.
Do not let your air conditioner age or deteriorate to such an extent that it can potentially harm your family. Take the initiative now! The poor quality air could be circulating in your home regularly, only exasperating the health concerns for your family.
Evaporating Electricity
As an air conditioner ages, it may also use up more and more electricity or trip your circuits. If the unit is not maintained well, it will not be able to cool down your home effectively. Therefore, the air conditioner will have to work harder to get the job done and use up more electricity. This is yet another reason to help out your bank account and address the issue when it arises.
Do not wait any longer to call a professional in Newcastle for your air conditioner servicing! Request a booking for a service clean from us at Fresh Aircon Services today.